Atlanta Georgia Flat Fee MLS
All MLS Listings Are On The Same Websites, Why Pay More To Be there?Atlanta Georgia Flat Fee MLS
Atlanta Georgia Flat Fee MLS Listing Starting at $199
Atlanta Georgia Flat Fee MLS
- Listed in the Georgia MLS (GAMLS) Until Sold or Rented.
- Upload up to 32 of your images to GAMLS and FMLS.
- Full Service Internet Marketing,
- MLS data feed to over 30,000 websites!
- Detailed Seller handbook.
- Contract and document review.
- Email Support.
- .49% Due at closing. ( Does Not Apply To Rental or Short Sale )

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The Flat Fee Services on This Site is provided by Dream Street Properties LLC, a Local Veteran Owned and Operated Real Estate Company by Jim and Judy Crawford of Lawrenceville, GA.
There are two MLS systems that server the greater Atlanta area.
1. FMLS covers the extended greater Atlanta area above I-20.
2. GAMLS covers the extended greater Atlanta area all the way out to Rome, Cedartown, down to Newnan and over to Macon and back to Athens. Back up the I-85 corridor, the Georgia side of Lakes Hartwell and West Point, and most the North Georgia Counties.
The coverage includes Statesboro, Bulloch County, Milledgeville, Baldwin County, St. Marys, Camden County and Charlton County.
Most of the above companies charge 6 to 7% and do not do much more than we do for $199!
The good ones will give you weekly updates, print flyers, put on signs, lockboxes, show your home to unrepresented buyers and give you a local contact to feel good about.
Does paying several thousand dollars too much make you “Feel Good”? If you have the time to do it, you can save thousands on the listing and sale of your property.
Still Not Sure?
Jim Crawford. 770-513-1503
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